Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Band of Brothers

July 14, 2011

I recently had the honor and privilege of attending a Marine’s Retirement Ceremony.  I will have to say it was the most honorable ceremony I have ever witnessed.  He is an amazing man and I am blessed to be considered a friend who was given a front row seat to the most impressive show of respect and camaraderie I have ever seen.
Everyone was given a program for the event and in an insert was printed this….

Band of Brothers
1.        All Marines are entitled to dignity and respect as individuals, but must abide by common standards established by proper authority.
2.       A Marine should never lie, cheat or steal from a fellow Marine or fail to come to his aid in time of need.
3.       All Marines should contribute 100% of their abilities to the unit’s mission.  Any less effort by an individual passes the buck to someone else.
4.       A unit, regardless of size, is a disciplined family structure, with similar relationships based on mutual respect among members.
5.       It is essential that issues and problems which tend to lessen a unit’s effectiveness be addressed and resolved.
6.       A blending of separate cultures, varying educational levels, and different social backgrounds is possible in an unselfish atmosphere of common goals, aspirations, and mutual understanding.
7.       Being the best requires common effort, hard work, and teamwork.  Nothing worthwhile comes easy.
8.       Every Marine deserves job satisfaction, equal consideration and recognition of his accomplishments.
9.       Knowing your fellow Marine well enables you to learn to look at things, through his eyes, as well as your own.
10.   Issues detracting from the efficiency and sense of well being of an individual should be surfaced and weighed against the impact on the unit as a whole.
11.   It must be recognized that a brotherhood concept depends on all members belonging – being fully accepted by others within.

Wouldn’t it be an amazing world if we all took on these understandings as our own?  If we lived by these same standards and principles in our day to day lives, applying them in all directions.

I absolutely love being in the company of such honorable and loyal people and I aspire to be of like mind and action.  I will never be in their unit, but I will always stand behind them proudly.

Thank you troops for everything you do and everything you stand for, I salute you!!!! Xo